Map/Texas/Mount Pleasant

Mount Pleasant personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $45,426

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Plumbing $840
ENERGY Plumbing $150
ENERGY Electrician $137
ENERGY Door and Window $80
ENERGY Insulation $2
ENERGY $7100
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $5750
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100
ENERGY Pool & Hot Tub Service $525

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residential energy savings

Mount Pleasant

Mount Pleasant, TX, is a small city with a population of about 16,000, located in the northeast region of Texas. Known for its picturesque landscapes and vibrant community, it is the county seat of Titus County. The city boasts a diverse economy with a strong presence in manufacturing and agriculture, particularly in poultry production. Mount Pleasant is also recognized for its educational facilities, including Northeast Texas Community College, and offers a variety of recreational activities with its lakes and parks, such as Lake Bob Sandlin State Park. The city's cultural scene includes the annual Mount Pleasant Rodeo.

incentives available in Mount Pleasant for...
energy icon


Mount Pleasant, Texas, has taken progressive steps towards energy efficiency in recent years. The city has seen an increase in the adoption of renewable energy sources, particularly solar energy, due to incentives for solar panel installations offered to homeowners and businesses. The local government has also encouraged energy conservation through the promotion of LED lighting in public buildings. Several energy audits have been performed on municipal facilities, resulting in retrofitting and upgrading to more energy-efficient systems. The community is served by utility providers that offer programs for customers to purchase green energy. A significant push towards efficient appliances has been noted, with rebates provided for ENERGY STAR certified products. Local businesses have been participating in voluntary programs to reduce their carbon footprint, and the city itself has made investments in its fleet by introducing hybrid and electric vehicles where feasible.

energy icon


The water conservation efforts in Mount Pleasant have shown positive results through various initiatives. The city introduced a tiered water pricing system to encourage conservation among residents and businesses, effectively reducing per capita water usage. A rebate program for water-efficient appliances and fixtures, such as low-flow toilets and showerheads, has been well-received. There have also been efforts towards the maintenance and upgrading of the water distribution infrastructure to prevent leaks and water loss. Rainwater harvesting has been encouraged through educational programs and incentives, leading to increased adoption by homeowners. Xeriscaping initiatives have promoted the use of native, drought-resistant plants in landscaping, reducing the demand for irrigation. The city has taken proactive measures to protect water quality in its lakes and rivers, including stringent monitoring and pollution prevention practices to ensure a safe water supply.

energy icon


Mount Pleasant has taken strides to enhance transportation efficiency within the city. Public transportation options have expanded, including the introduction of more fuel-efficient buses to reduce emissions. The city has incentivized the use of carpooling and rideshare programs to decrease the number of vehicles on the road during peak hours. A local campaign promoting the benefits of walking and cycling has led to an increase in the number of bike lanes and pedestrian paths. Efforts have been made to improve traffic flow through the implementation of smart traffic management systems, which has helped in reducing idling and congestion. The city also supports telecommuting and flexible work schedules, reducing peak-time travel demand. As part of its commitment to sustainable transportation, Mount Pleasant is exploring the feasibility of electric vehicle charging stations in key locations to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles among residents.

energy icon


Mount Pleasant's waste management system prioritizes reduction, reuse, and recycling to achieve sustainability goals. The city has implemented comprehensive curbside recycling services, allowing residents to conveniently dispose of recyclable materials. A robust public awareness campaign on proper waste sorting and the importance of recycling has increased participation. The city has also engaged in electronic waste collection events to properly handle and recycle e-waste. Local businesses have been encouraged to minimize packaging and use biodegradable materials, and the city has collaborated with them to develop waste reduction strategies. Yard waste is collected and composted, decreasing landfill contributions. There's a notable focus on diverting construction and demolition debris from landfills, redirecting it to recycling centers. The city has also provided incentives for businesses that achieve significant waste reduction milestones.